I introduce myself I am Yohan Lansard, I am Industrial Designer, I joined as project manager the 5.5 DESIGNSTUDIO team in 2010 when the agency was in full development of many industrial products for the brand of the group Seb: Moulinex. After finishing my specialization in the optimization of the production systems of companies, I finally focused my attention on our magnificent profession of Designer, which brings together a subtle blend of creativity and know-how. This experience in the industry allowed me to grasp the business with a solid knowledge of technical constraints related to the good development of projects. My atypical career, both technical and artistic, allowed the 5.5 agency to win together "une étoile de l'Observeur du design 2016 " and 2 other labels from l'Observeur. 2 new projects have already been labeled and will compete for the 2018 edition.